Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Grab My New Guide: "Hook Them At Hello"


NEVER be discouraged by dating apps again. 

My New Conversation Guide is taking you from the back of the line straight to the front-- like a VIP celeb--who GETS to experience ONLY the best!


You're going to get my formula on how to have your "pick-of-the-litter" right from "hello.

You're going to rapidly transform the most boner-killing thoughts that have been silently killing your vibe-- for decades! 

You'll learn how to get out of your own way--and finally dissolve unfulfilling dating patterns! 

You're going to get hooked STRAIGHT up to an empowering belief system that will make you a TOTAL CATCH. 

You'll get the inside scoop on my MOST effective conversation strategies that is guaranteed to have men saying: 

"I've never met a girl like you." 

What's even better? This Conversation Guide comes equipped with methods I've cultivated over the last 20 years (of trial-and-error and countless books/advice later), to safeguard you from being taken advantage ofusedlove-bombed or manipulated by dudes. 

Gone are the days of dealing with that!

These hacks are so outrageously easy to use that they work on even the most anti-commitment of guys---I've seen it with my very own eyes! 

Get ready to be adored and chased by many men while cruising your way to finding "the one" to date or settle down with!

Friday, March 11, 2022

Being Unfuckwithable

My favoriteeeeee SUPERPOWER is:

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ Being Unfuckwithable. 

๐Ÿ’ญTechnically this isn’t a word but it sure holds a lot of meaning to those of us who have had our share of humbling experiences in our dating life. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผ‍♀️๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผ‍♀️๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผ‍♀️

(More on those learning lessons coming in future posts. But for now…)

⚡️Let’s go over what ‘unfuckwithable’ behavior does not entail:

• Being aggressive toward men.
• Putting them down.
• Shutting down 
• Giving up on dating.
• Allowing the past to convince you opening up again isn’t worth the risk.
• Thinking if you were hotter/skinnier/etc you’d be invincible 
• Getting together with your girlfriends to predominantly blame the opposite sex for your unhappy lot in life.

⚡️What I teach (more in depth) in my 6 week coaching program, is that truly being ‘unfuckwithable’ is:

• Taking radical responsibility of you.
•Grieving the past, 
• Allowing yourself to FEEL (not talk around the feeling).
• Maintaining a playful vibe with dudes while asserting a boundary in a non-offensive way.

• Most importantly, setting up a strong relationship with yourself to RECOGNIZE when you’re slipping into these RED FLAG patterns.

• How to course correct immediately & confidently. 

⚡️The most common misconception I see women do is overcompensate passivity with aggression. Or just being straight up passive which leaves you powerless. 

⚡️The key to possessing this superpower is knowing yourself and knowing when to step in for yourself assertively. 

⚡️It’s one of the juiciest secrets that i accidentally discovered on my own inner-work journey 11 years ago. We can have this superpower but most aren’t aware that it’s possible because no one is teaching it like this! 

๐ŸŽˆIf you’re feeling called to this inner/mindset/healing work, please reach out in the comments below or email me at amanda_koss(at) --

 I’ve got a free 30 minute exploratory phone sesh with your name written on it.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Why the Name: Date Like a Dude

Date like a dude means to date solely for the enjoyment of getting to know someone without an underlying need (or attachment) to an outcome like ‘settling down.’

Men have this down cold. Most date to enjoy the adventure. They love the thrill of where the next moment will go without being attached to settling down. Why? Without trying, they will finally meet the one girl that will cause them to change their ways and eventually wed. 

If you’ve studied spirituality at all, you’ll know all we have is this present moment. If we live there, worries and attachment does not exist. The moment we chose to look to the past or toward the future, our aliveness disappears. We are desperate for an outcome to occur.

We’re constantly wondering if that new guy on bumble will text back for a second date because he really could fit into your life and if he fits in well with you then he’d surely be the one you’d like to marry….ASAP. 

See, what’s happening here is you’ve given up your magnetism and replaced it with attaching your happiness to an outcome. The effervescent qualities of your personality diminish as your nervous laughter kicks in. Your mind stops feeling free to be YOU and becomes singly-focused on him. Worrisome thoughts shoot through your internal ethers,” Will he text me back? Does he like me in the same way? Can he see a future with me?” 

Men sense these vibes and are hindered from experiencing your essence. Energy we think we can hide from them has a way of showing up on their radar and making it difficult to truly connect. 

What most people don’t understand about this concept is that it isn’t about gender. It’s about who can remain open to experiencing the moment and making a true connection.

I offer 1:1 private coaching for those who would like more guidance in removing the blocks to your magnetism. DM for more details or click the link in my bio for more information!

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Look for the Signs to Know You're on the Right Path

Just yesterday I was knees-deep into a FaceTime convo with one of my good friends. In the middle of hearing his story, a teeny tiny bright neon thing grabbed my attention from across the room. A caterpillar found its way to onto my black one-piece suit somehow--and was having a little dance party!

At first I squealed in disgust. How on earth did that thing get there?! But then I paused a moment to reflect on what I instinctively knew. I lurched toward my computer while 
my friend looked at my cross-eyed- "What is happening over there?" he asked. I gushed the details and sheepishly told him this thing I do when something happens (that usually doesn't happen at all) comes up, I find out what the meaning is behind it. 

I anxiously hammered out a brief description of what I saw into the Google search box: "what's the spiritual meaning of a caterpillar crawling on your clothes." I like to precisely describe odd occurrences  because it tailors the meaning dramatically. 

As the page loaded, I saw large text at the top of the page from stating: 

"Caterpillars usually signify a need for gentle and quiet approaches to our activities and endeavors. They can also signal a surprise or gift about to be offered to us, or that can be beneficial to our future if we take advantage of it."

Seeing this made me smile. Who doesn't love knowing a good surprise or a a great gift is on the way?! I could use more that in my life!

What makes occurrences a sign from above? I gauge it on how unlikely something is to occur.  This particular incident was striking to me because it was my first-caterpillar-crawling-on-my-clothes experience. On second thought, it was the first time in a loooooooong time since I've seen a caterpillar, ever.  This tiny little insect exists outdoors-- even then, I don't find it in its natural habitat. Except when they are butterflies, of course. So, that in of itself makes it a sign to me. Now, if you see these insects or animals cross your path all of the time, then it won't stand out. If it did something strange? Yes. But if you hardly see blue jays or hummingbirds and one flew inside your house, that's definitely a sign. 

Someday I will tell you about every single magical incident, but for now I want to tell you about a moment I will never forget. In the dead of winter, I sat on the floor in the room I stayed in when I was on the mend from my divorce. I was having a hard time navigating my newly single life. I cried out my fears and worries and then, if by magic, a lady bug crawled on my sweater. A sign? You bet.  This magical occurrence intervened to give me a message that I was on the right path. I was amazed- as I consider lady bugs very lucky. 

It is my personal belief that The Universe is always speaking to us. If we slow down a bit, and notice small, indescribable moments like these, they hold messages from above. Just google it. Take comfort in the message, knowing you are being guided and looked after from something larger than yourself.

I wanna hear from you! 

Have you had an encounter like this? Tell me in the comment box below!
